I was pink slimed.
Pink slime is actually a term I got from my coach and mentor, Jennifer Kem. And today, it happened to me.
Today the woman whose image I re-posted for my daily Instagram post contacted me to demand that I take it down because it was hers. And then threatened to send me an invoice for the use of the photo if I did not comply immediately.
So I did what any savvy business women would do, I told her No problem. That I would take it down, and not to worry, that I would not ever use her photos again on my profile.
I also apologized for any inconvenience to her and added that most people have appreciated me sharing their images with my audience.  And wished her the best of luck in the future.
She replied with a scathing retort about how she is a professional photographer and she sells her Insta photos, and how my use of her photo on my profile did not benefit her in any way.
Because I only had 300 followers.
And because I ‘buried her name’ in the middle of the post where I was promoting my own product….
A course that helps entrepreneurs design an art display for their video background that they will be using for their online content.
All. Over. The. Internet.
Art that will be seen by an infinite number of people.
Art that their tribes will admire and want to buy, because the leader they follow has it behind them on camera every time they publish content.
Just like you want the art you see behind your favorite mentor when you are watching their video content.
Literally the art she has for sale.
And is posted publicly on the ‘gram.
She is angry because it does not benefit her to have me share it with my audience on my profile for free.
She is making the mistake of getting caught up in the dollars and missing the bigger picture of true wealth and prosperity.
The truth of the matter is that you will never have true wealth and prosperity without the help of other people.
People that talk about you and promote about you and are enthusiastic about helping you too.
As an entrepreneur, you probably have a few coaches, as well as a few more mentors that you follow online, and you more than likely understand the importance of knowing who your audience is and how you help them so you can sell them your stuff.
But you should also think about and know about who are the people in your audience that can help you. (And will sell your stuff for you, if you let them.)
And cultivate those relationships rather than constantly getting caught up in those dolla, dolla bills.
Because, living a designed life is about intentionally creating your future by designing it on purpose today.
Yes, you need to make money, or you don’t have a business.
But you will not ever have abundance if you can’t get out of this type of scarcity thinking and get out of your own way to success.
And because my tribe looks to me for guidance when it comes to designing their spaces and shopping for their decor.
Because I stand for helping women rise together, and I would rather promote artists that appreciates the help I try to give them.
And because I meant it when I told her I would not ever post her photos on my profile again.
Because had she approached me different, we could have had a completely different outcome.
And because we all start somewhere, and the number of social media followers you have is not a reflection of what you bring to the table.
Or the impact you make.
Don’t make the same mistake she did. Pay attention to the bigger picture & Get out of your own way to real success.
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